Welcome to Ghaffar Online Madarasa Quran Teaching

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Experienced Tutors

Learn online with highly qualified, well trained, & extremely capable male and female tutors.


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Classes Around The Clock

We provide 24/7 service for learning. Which help students to learn Quran quickly and smoothly.



Years Experience

About Us

About Quran Academy

We cater to all age groups as we strongly believe the knowledge of the Quran to be highly significant and valuable to people of all ages.

From the basics of the Quran and Islam to their thorough understanding, we cover everything. The Quranic & Islamic knowledge you acquire here will bring out rewards and virtues to both parties. Not to mention the Arabic language, the language of the Quran which you could learn with us starting from the Arabic alphabet to the advanced level when you can read, speak, and write like natives. Our professionals will use their zeal and knowledge to help you in understanding Quran, interpreting the message of Allah and deriving lessons from it to apply them to your daily lives sessions. We make sure our students are learning and progressing over the course of the sessions by conducting exercises, repeated tests, and quizzes.

More About Us
  • Completion Certificates
  • Various Learning Materials
Our Best Services

Online Quran and Islamic Classes

Why Choose Us

Why Study with Us?

We take full responsibility for the content we teach our students to be accurate and authentic.

Worldwide Recognition

Evaluation Reports

Alternative Teachers

24/7 Service

Appraisal Certificate

One-on-One Classes

Our Books

Free Quranic & Islamic E-Books


Frequently Asked Questions

1 to 1 Classes duration is 30 minutes for each student. At some cases it can be increased up to 45 minutes.

A laptop, PC, Tablet or Smart Phone Internet Connection We use Skype, Zoom or Mikogo for audio/video chat.

Depending on the intensity of the studies (how many classes you take), it will take for adults 6/8 months. For children, it depends on their competency level and the support given by parents.

Yes, you can choose at your own convenience. We do our best to find the teachers who is available at that time.

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